Free 0870 numbers , Free 0845 numbers - 0870 numbers from IC communications
Telecom Solutions
0870 numbers, 0845 numbers
0700 numbers as well as 0844
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browse our 0870 numbers,  and 0845 numbers Welcome, we supply 0870 and 0845 numbers as well as 0700 numbers
0870 numbers, 0845 numbers


- Non Geographic number
- Free Redirection

More information on 0870 number


- Always be contactable
- Only £10 p/a

More information on 0700 numbers


- Local rate number
- Only £29.99 p/a

More information on 0845 numbers


- Free 0844 number
- Free Redirection
- Free additional options

More information on 0870 number


- Non Geographic number
- Free Redirection

More information on 0870 number

0870, 0845 and 0700 numbers from

We provide non geographic phone numbers such as 0870 national rate numbers, 0845 numbers and premium rate services. Our most popular service is our 0870 number for businesses as it gives a more professional image to your business. We also offer standalone 0870 voicemail and infomation numbers. These are perfect for advertising or if you want to give a professional image while out on the move.

If you require any infomation please visit our faq section or call us on 0870 8 605040


0870 numbers

0870 numbers for your business with free redirection!

It will give your company a national/professional image. 0870 numbers are just £9.99 per year and come with unlimited free redirections of your number. Our 0870 numbers are connected within 48 hrs. More infomation on our 0870 numbers here

order 0870 numbers


0845 numbers

Do you want an 0845 non geographic number for your business?

It will give your company a more professional image. More possible customers will ring you without you having to pay for their call if you used an 0800 number. Callers can call you for the price of a local call on your 0845 number. More infomation about 0845 numbers

0845 numbers are now £29.99 per year!

order 0845 numbers

Free 0800 numbers

free 0800 numbers | to ask about our low rates please Contact us


Free 0844 numbers

Our totally free 0844 numbers come complete with additional features and the ability to update your numbers online instantly. Click below for more information about our 0844 numbers.

0700 numbers

As well as an 0845 or 0870 number for your landline you can have an 0700 number for when you are out on the move. 0700 numbers can be diverted to your mobile and or landline.


Special Offers!

At present we have a range of offers for you to choose from:

0870 numbers - You can have an 0870 number for just £9.99 per year- Order here

0845 numbers - We have reduced our 0845 numbers to just £29.99 per year. You can order your special offer standard 0845 number from our 0845 numbers page - Order here


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iccommunications. All numbers have free redirection, 0700 personal numbers, free 0870 numbers. free 0870 non geographic numbers, free phone numbers.
Completely free 0870 numbers. 0845 numbers free for a year!

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